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Crews are necessary for operating ships and stations. They consist of crewmen of different professions which fulfill different jobs on ships. Not every ship needs a crew of every type. A ship's crew capacity can be increased with crew quarters.

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Types[editedit source]

There are multiple types of crewmen.

  • Crewmen - These default crewmen can be assigned to nearly any position.
  • Engineers - Engineers maintain and run all technical blocks on your ship.
  • Gunners - Gunners operate armed turrets.
  • Miners - Miners operate mining turrets.
  • Mechanics - Mechanics repair your ship, but cannot rebuild destroyed blocks.
  • Pilots - Pilots will fly fighters.
  • Security - Security will defend your ships against enemy boarders.
  • Boarders - Boarders can be flown to other ships to infiltrate and take over those ships. See Boarding.
  • Sergeants - Sergeants organize your crew. You need 1 sergeant for every 10 employed crewmen.
  • Lieutenants - Oversees Sergeants. You need 1 lieutenant for every 4 sergeants.
  • Commanders - Oversees Lieutenants. You need 1 commander for every 3 lieutenants.
  • Generals - The highest ranked officer. You need 1 general for every 3 commanders.
  • Captains - Not mandatory, but allows ships to be commanded when you're not flying them.

Default crewmen can be assigned to become any profession, although specialized crew have a higher workforce.

Crew capacity and morale[editedit source]

By buildingCrew Quarters you can increase the capacity for crew on your ship. The maximum capacity is only a soft capacity, as you can overstaff your ship. If your ship is overstaffed your crews morale will suffer and decrease over time. When the morale reaches a certain threshold specialized crew members will no longer level up.

Training Crewmen[editedit source]

Specialized crew members will gain experience over time and reach higher levels. There are 3 different levels a trained crewman can achieve with level 3 being the maximum. Each new level will increase the workforce of the crew member. They start with a workforce of 1.5 on level 1 which increases by 0.5 for each level gained.This means, that a trained worker on level 1 can replace 1.5 regular workers, on level 2 he can replace 2 regular workers and on level 3 he can replace 2.5 regular workers.

Minimum Crewmen[editedit source]

Certain jobs on a ship need a minimum number of crewmen in order to work optimally.

  • For the engines of a ship a minimum number of crewmen is necessary in order to operate the engines. If this requirement isn't met, the engines' functionality rate will drop below 100%, which means the ship will accelerate and brake slower, and the maximum flying speed will decrease.
  • If a ship has insufficient repair crewmen, the ship will slowly decay and take damage.
  • Turrets need a certain amount of workforce to operate which is indicated in the description of the turret

Overstaffing jobs[editedit source]

Putting more than the required minimum of crewmen into a certain working position can even boost a ship's stats in some areas. Currently, only the positions of engineer and mechanic will boost their associated stats over 100% (up to 130%).

Hiring Crews[editedit source]

Crewmen can be hired at stations, as long as your relations to that station's faction is upwards of -25000 and your ship is able to hold crew.

Hired crewmen will be unemployed at first, and you have to train them in order assign them to a certain job.

Every station can only hold a certain number of people who are willing to work for you on your ship. In order to hire more men, visit more stations. Borderlands 2: headhunter 3: mercenary day download free.

Crewmen100%20 - 40
Engineers50%5 - 15
Gunners50%5 - 10
Miners50%5 - 10
Mechanics50%5 - 15
Pilots50%3 - 10
Security40%3 - 10
Boarders25%3 - 10
Sergeants40%4 - 10
Lieutenants30%4 - 7
Commanders25%3 - 5
Generals15%1 - 2
Captains50%1 - 2

These values might change due to further balancing or mods.

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Paying Crews[editedit source]

A crew needs to be paid regularly. You can check when the next payment is due by opening the fleet tab in the player menu (Default hotkey: 'I').The amount necessary to pay them depends on the size of the crew, as well as its composition.

Payment can be delayed for a certain amount of hours, but the price will go up. If a crew is unpaid for too long, they will leave the ship. Mutiny also causes the levels of training to stop increasing and in case of leaving you might lose those highly trained crewmen.

Required Crew[editedit source]

Required Crew per Volume (persons/m^3):

MechanicsEngineersTotal Crew
Basic Hull0,01000000,010000
Blank Hull0,01000000,010000
Crew Quarters0,01000000,010000
Directional Thruster0,02000000,020000
Inertia Dampener0,02000000,020000
Gyro Array0,02000000,020000
Integrity Field Generator0,02000000,020000
Energy Container0,02000000,020000
Shield Generator0,0200000,0400000,060000
Hyperspace Core0,02000000,020000
Computer Core0,02000000,020000
Cargo Bay0,01000000,010000
Turret Lock0,01000000,010000
Rich Stone000
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General[editedit source]

7th Tier Resource. Red in Color.

Flavor[editedit source]

Avorion - Avorium - Unobtainum - Legendary.

Avorion is considered the pinnacle of materials, providing massive performance increases and durability for anything built out of it, aside from heavy armor.


Avorion is the most prized mineral known, only showing up near the center of the galaxy.

Being exceptionally durable, it is used in the construction of the most powerful ships known, and can be manipulated at the atomic level almost without issue. It refuses to be made into armor plating however, with Ogonite being superior in that respect.- Supports Generators, Energy Containers, Integrity Field generators, Shields, Hyperspace cores, Hangars, Inertia Dampeners, and Computer Cores.

Special Blocks[editedit source]

- Supports Generators, Energy Containers, and Hangars.

- Avorion Hyperspace Core blocks allow you to pass through space rifts, regardless of block size

Where to find it[editedit source]

Found Near the core of the galaxy in asteroids like the picture below.

Usage[editedit source]

Used in all Avorion buildingblocks & used for repairing all Avorion ship components.

Can be sold to vendors for credits.

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