Windows 10 Move Details Pane To Bottom

Posted : admin On 20.12.2020
Windows 10 Move Details Pane To Bottom Average ratng: 8,6/10 1529 reviews


Open Explorer

Alt+F, then N

Duplicate Explorer Window via File, New Window


Close Windows Explorer

Alt+D, then Tab (forward)or Alt+Tab (backwards)

Set baseline to Address Bar. Then navigate between (1) Address Bar, (2) Ribbon (3) Left Navigation Pane, (4) Folder Content Pane (Main Content Window), and (5) Sort Bar of Content Pane if present.


Refresh Explorer Window


Toggle Full Screen

  1. Windows 10 Move Details Pane To Bottom Ends
  2. Windows 10 Move Details Pane To Bottom Window
  3. Windows 10 Move Details Pane To Bottom
  4. Windows 10 Move Details Pane To Bottom Top
  5. Disable Details Pane Windows 10


Jump/ focus Address Bar with content selected

Alt+D, then Ctrl+C

Copy current path

Alt+D, then c:(directory name}

With help of dropdown and Enter, select sub-directories. Note that the backslash is required for items in sub-directory to be visible.

Alt+D, then Alt+Down Arrow

Show previous locations

Alt+Up Arrow

Jump one level up

Alt+D , press and hold Alt then press Left Arrow, Right Arrow

Change focus from Address Bar to Folder Content (goes to previous/ next location and then changes focus to Folder Content; only works if a previous item is available)

You may want to add a custom location to the Explorer Addressbar. Assume you have your favorite applications in your u:apps drive. Do the following.
1. Open System Properties via Win+Pause/Break key.
2. Select 'Advanced System Settings (4th option on the left)
3. In the 'Advanced' Tab (3rd Tab on the Top), select 'Environemnt Variables' at the bottom
4. Select 'New'. Set Variable name to e.g. 'apps', variable value e.g. 'u:apps'.
5. Click 'ok'
6. Test in File Explorer via %apps%
To add a custom location to the Address Bar such as %apps%, do the following.

Windows 10 allows you to enable different panes to make the most of your user experience. The different panes include: The Preview pane, the Details pane, and the Navigation pane. Here, you find details about enabling and using each of these panes. Enable and use the Preview Pane. To show the “Details Pane”, click the “View” menu and click the “Details Pane” option located at the left edge of the explorer toolbar. Show Details Select the files or multiple files that you want to tag and on the right-side panel, add the tag(s) on the text box next to the “Tags” heading.

Alt+D, then 2x Tab

Jump/ focus Navigation Pane

Arrow Up/Arrow Down

One item up/ down

Page Up/Page Down

One page up/ down


Go to first itme/ last item

Ctrl+Arrow Up/Arrow Down

Scroll directory tree up/ down without changing focus

Arrow Left/ Right Arrow on tree parent

Open/ close directory tree

Shift+Arrow Left

Change to parent element in tree when in sub-element

5. Folder Content (Main Pane) - Navigate Files/ Folders

Alt+D, then 3x Tab

Jump/ focus Folder Content Pane

Alt+H, then SA

Select all items via Home, Select All. Also shorthand for changing focus to Folder Content

Arrow Up/Arrow Down

One item up/ down

Page Up/Page Down

One page up/ down


Go to first itme/ last item

Ctrl+Arrow Up/Arrow Down

Scroll directory tree up/ down without changing focus

Shift+Arrow Up/Arrow Down

Select multiple (adjacent) items

Press and hold Ctrl, Arow Keys, and press Space on multiple items

Select multiple (non-adjacent) items

Alt+Arrow Left/Arrow Right

Go to previous/ next location

Alt+Up Arrrow

Up one level. There is no down one level, but you may use Alt+left to go to previous location

Alt+Enter on item

Show properties of file or folder

Shift+F10 on item

Open context menu of file or folder

6. Folder Content (Main Pane) - Manage File/ Folders


Create new folder

Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V

Copy, cut, paste


Undo an action


Redo an action


Delete an item and place it into the Recycle Bin


Delete an item permanently without placing it into the Recycle Bin


Edit Item. Select name excluding file extension

Alt+D, then 3x Tab

Jump/ focus Folder Content Pane (required for changing views with Ctrl+Shift+18


Change View to Extra Large Icons


Change View to Large Icons


Change View to Medium Icons


Change View to Small Icons


Change View to List View


Change View to Details View


Change View to Tiles View


Change View to Content View

Alt+V, then SF

Change View to Size Fit all items within column width

With focus anywhere, Alt+D, then 4x Tab, then Enter

Jump/ focus Sort Bar (Content Area Table Header)

With focus on Folder Content Pane, 1x Tab

Jump/ focus Sort Bar (Content Area Table Header). Use after changing sort order to change again.

Arrow Left/Right Arrow on Sort Bar

Select sort column

Press Enter on Sort Bar Item

Change sort order ascending (or descending) by name, date, etc.

After changing sort order, press Tab, then Enter

Change sort order descending (or ascending)

Created by bernd on 5/5/2017. Last updated by bernd on 7/2/2020

9 Comments for 'Windows 10 File Explorer '

Comment #9 by Danil Nov 16, 2020 at 10:28 am Reply

Please mention, in win 10 and win 8 it's possible to switch between the navigation pane and main pane using Tab /Shift +Tab. Have no win 7 to check Much easier then alt+ D + double Tab

Comment #8 by Zhi Jul 3, 2020 at 08:19 pm Reply


Hi, there's a shortcut that I used to know, but now I've forgot it, and can't remember anymore. In windows explorer, with 'checkbox on each file' turned OFF, when you're focused on a file, you can use Ctrl+ArrowKeys to move the cursor without moving the focus, then you can press a hotkey to add the item under the current cursor into selection, which has the same effect as ctrl+click, without using the mouse. Do you which is the hotkey to 'add file to selection'?

Reply #2ZhiJul 4, 2020 at 01:41 pm

Yes!! Thanks!! Actually I believe I have tried [space] multiple times before, including when I submitted this comment yesterday, and it didn't work. However, it does work now. I'm not sure why it's inconsistent, I'll report back if I discover more info. Thanks!

Reply #1berndJul 3, 2020 at 09:11 pm

I think you are looking for [space] to add to selection press and hold [ctrl], use [arrow keys], and each item you want to add or remove you use the the [space] key.

Comment #7 by Ron Mitchell Jul 1, 2020 at 11:16 am Reply

Thanks for this, very useful. However Ctrl-Q does not work for me either.

Reply #1berndJul 2, 2020 at 06:01 pm

fixed tow [Ctrl]+[W] thank you! i don't recall how that got in there.

Comment #6 by Peter Dowling Mar 19, 2020 at 11:19 am Reply

CTRL + Q does not appear to exit Explorer that I can tell..

Comment #5 by John Dec 21, 2019 at 08:44 am Reply

In section: '7. Folder Content (Main Pane) - Navigate Files/ Folders' The 2nd shortcut: 'Alt+H, then SA Select all items via Home, Select All.' This shortcut, i.e., 'Select All' can be achieved with fewer keys if the Content (Main) Pane is active/focused, just press 'Ctrl+A'

Comment #4 by DP. Aug 30, 2019 at 09:00 am Reply

Ctrl+N is missing in Windows-10-File-Explorer. There is no need to use the listed 'Alt+F, then N' hack to 'Duplicate Explorer Window'. Great shortcuts. Thanks.

Comment #3 by Rick Jun 15, 2019 at 05:22 pm Reply

Re: 9. Folder Content (Main Pane) - Change Views Hi BernD This is possibly related to Ted Taylor's comment on 9/26/2018. I discovered this super shortcuts page after my shortcuts for Change Views stopped working. I find them most useful at times - particularly when working in my photographs' folders. I thought at first they stopped working after an automatic Windows 10 update but then I remembered I changed my Language setting from English (US) to English (UK) around the same time. In trying to get to the bottom of this, today I reverted the language back to US and the shortcuts started working again. Just to prove my theory I reset it to UK and they stopped working again. Using Word a lot I will probably need a UK spellchecker more the the Change View shortcuts (unless there's another way of dealing with this). Are you by any chance aware of any configuration settings associated with the shortcuts for Change Views? Regards Rick

Reply #1berndJun 16, 2019 at 09:43 pm

Hi Rick - language setting could explain it indeed. Not sure how to make this work on the UK edition so i am not a big help here, sorry. Working with multiple languages myself on a regular basis - i have the language bar active in Windows, and you can simply press [Win]+[Space] to switch between languages. Not sure if it works for UK-English to US-English, but maybe an option to leave you switching fast to UK English any time.

Comment #2 by Ted Taylor Sep 26, 2018 at 05:31 am Reply

9. Folder Content (Main Pane) - Change Views does not work on Windows 10. It is publishede in all sorts of places but it is incorrect. Please put it right.

Reply #1berndOct 2, 2018 at 10:54 am

Hi Ted - thanks for checking and sorry for late reply. I just checked and it does work on my file explorer. I do remember though i had issues with it in the past, maybe a past update messed it up for some editions/ versions

Comment #1 by Yvonne Mar 22, 2018 at 04:16 am Reply

Nice collection, thanks and kudo's!

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